urgencyThis month in The Platform Builders mastermind group we are working our way through “The Power Of Urgency – Playing to Win with Proactive Urgency” by William Keiper.  John Maxwell teaches that the greatest gap is the gap between what we know and what we do.  I believe the Proactive Urgency that Keiper is talking about can close that gap.

As soon as I write and publish this post, I will start on the final chapter of my new book, Leaderhip by Invitation – How to RSVP and Embrace Your Role as a LEADER, that will be available in April.  I wish  I would have practiced pro-urgency a little sooner in getting by draft completed.

Procrastination, or lack of pro-urgency as I understand more clearly, has plagued me all my life. Start a project and then start a project and then, you guessed it, start another project.  But never getting any of them done.  My greatest accomplishments always seem to come when I am under the gun.

I used to think that this was a strength, and I guess it can be at times, but the truth is that pro-urgency eliminates a lot of the “unknowns” that can creep up while attempting anything.  Life happens fast, and sometimes what happens comes at us so fast we have to go on the defense just to protect our end of the field.

The recent Super Bowl was an example of a great defense resulting in victory.  But that defense was calculated, well thought out and well planned.  That defense used pro-urgency to prepare and produce.

The lack of pro-urgency results in a defense that is fighting for it’s life.  This defense is reacting instead of responding and it shows.  My experience has been that although this type of defense can function, and even function well, they forfeit the opportunity to make adjustments for the unknown and unplanned events that happen.  Basically, it limits your ability to stay in control and be flexible.

“It is important that you get clear for yourself that your only access to impacting life is action.” – Werner Erhard  (Tweet This / Post to LinkedIn)

In this, the second of three posts, I want to offer up Keiper’s thought provoking take on the idea of Proactive Urgency.  Keiper ends each of the 17 chapters with an “Urgency Rule” and I want to highlight a few to set the frame for the rest of the book.

Urgency Rule #9 – There is power, clarity and efficiency in creating and consciously attending to distinctions.  You can see what you need to see, when you need to see it.

The noise and clutter that we face everyday overwhelms our senses and numbs our ability to focus.  Pro-urgency provides the clarity to cut through all that noise because we know what we want before we need it.  That way, when the time comes that we need it, we already know what it is.

Urgency Rule #10 – The future of a moment ago has arrived.  You bring it your perfection along with your uniqueness.  Make it your mission to leverage your uniqueness starting immediately.

You should be using your uniqueness as an advantage over everyone else.  The things that make you different are exactly the things that will let you stand out in the crowd. All you need to be is 1% better or faster than the next guy to have an advantage.

Urgency Rule #11 – Security is mainly illusory.  Remember Helen Keller’s words: “Avoiding danger is typically no safer in the long run than outright exposure.”  Practice leaving your comfort zone.

If you want to do something you’ve never done before, you need to become someone you’ve never been before.  The only place you will find that is outside your comfort zone.  And the time to leave is now!

The question:  What is it that you know you need to do, but haven’t because it will require you to step outside your comfort zone?

The challenge:  STEP!


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Barry Smith  2/12/14   photo courtesy of amazon   © Building What Matters 2014