In one of my mastermind groups, we were discussing the law of awareness and one of the participants made the comment “I’m like a sponge, I just listen to everything and soak it all up.”   Now I have certainly heard this expression before but this time it really made me think.

We are bombarded with information every day, in fact, I hear the expression “information overload” all the time.  We all suffer from information overload but is that because we are trying to process everything at once or simply because there is so much information to process?

I am a big fan of active listening and I think this sponge idea goes hand in hand with it.  Picture a sponge being fully saturated.  Then we wring it out but there is still a certain amount of moisture remaining in the sponge.  I think the way we process information is just like that.

We soak up everything until our mind is full.  Then in order to productively function, we need to wring out the non-pertinent information hopefully retaining the information that is needed to accomplish our task and at the same time make room for more.  Hopefully the information we keep is really what we need.

Here are four suggestions to productively get rid of the bad and keep the good:


It is important to both focus on the import and export sides of data processing.  Focusing will allow you filter much of the garbage on the front end.  Focus during the processing portion will allow you to keep the information needed and let go of the rest.


Be clear on what it is that you are trying to collect.  The information we get hit with is broad and unspecific.  When we have clarity on what it is that we are trying to accomplish, we are able to pick up on key words and concepts much easier.


Listen with your mouth closed and your ears open.  The minute we start formulating answers before the question is even asked is the minute that we open the intake door wide open to allow everything or nothing in.  Listen with a purpose so you hear what needs to be heard.


If you are already stressed out about something, you are going to have a hard time processing the information.  Even if you feel that it is imperative that you partake in the noise collection, you have to lower the stress level to collect successfully.  There is simply only so much room in our mental ram and when our stress level is high, there is most likely little room left on our hard drive.

If you want to avoid information overload and be more productive with your thinking process, be strategic on the front end and plan your desired outcome.  My wife always told our boys “garbage in – garbage out.”

Maybe it’s time to get once a week garbage service instead of one a month.  Either that, or start recycling more!


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Barry Smith   10/30/12     Photo by author