GuatemalaAs I draft this post, I am T-minus 48 hours from getting on a plane headed to Guatemala to participate in an experience that will no doubt change my way of thinking, but also change the way an entire Country thinks and functions.

I will be travelling as part of a team put together by John Maxwell’s non-profit organization EQUIP.  The Government of Guatemala reached out to EQUIP about a year ago recognizing that they needed help in creating a better environment for their people that is more conducive to growth and prosperity.

June 12th, 2013 has been declared “National Transformation Day” for the entire Country of Guatemala.  Imagine the undertaking of Transforming National Leadership. The thing that gives me confidence that this venture will succeed, is that the Government invited us to do this.

If you are not familiar with Guatemala, it is owned and run by a handful of families who most likely deal with few of the struggles that the majority of their 15 million residents do.

So why would these leaders choose to do what so many other 3rd world country leaders have not and invest their time and resources to improve their Country for their people?  I believe it is because they are thinking for a change.

On the cover of John Maxwell’s “Thinking For A Change”, Ken Blanchard provides this quote; “If you want to go places you’ve never been before – you have to think in ways you’ve never thought before.”

The most impressive thing to me about the events that have led up to this event is the way this invitation was presented to John.  The President of Guatemala asked specifically that EQUIP train the Country’s educators in leadership skills.  Here it comes … But we want you to start with us – the Government.

This has not been a request to come teach others to do the work.  It is a request to start at the top.  The Guatemalan Government recognizes that, as John has stated so many time before; “Everything rises and falls on Leadership.”  They recognize that they need to improve as leaders if they want their educators, and their Country, to change.  This is thinking for a change.  This is Transformational Leadership.

There will be about 150 of us that will work with about 24,000 educators who will then go and train the other 124,000 educators in the Country.  Every educator will be exposed to a new way of thinking, supported by the Government, to transform an entire Country.

I honestly believe that this week long event will have global impact.  The Country of Guatemala partnering with the EQUIP organization are going to set a precedence for National Leadership Transformation.  This all comes down to a change in thinking.

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”  –  Wayne Dyer

I know I have used this quote before, but the words are powerful.  I believe the real challenge to this team and those participating Guatemalan’s is not to show up just next week but to show up for the rest of our collective lives to continue to think for a change.

We have been invited to make a difference.  Not just the 150 of us that are travelling from all over the world, but the 148,000 educator’s and more importantly, the political leaders of an entire Country.  We have all been invited to be part of this change.

Part of my commitment to this cause is to incorporate this experience into my first book. “Leadership By Invitation – Your RSVP To Becoming A Transformational Leader.”  The premise to the book as that we are all called “invited” to leadership in one way or another.  The difference comes when we actually RSVP and show up.

You, YES YOU, have been invited in some way to lead others and make a difference in their lives.  So my question today is simple and straight forward.   ARE YOU GOING TO SHOW UP?


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Barry Smith    6/7/13   photo by author  © Building What Matters 2013