SONY DSCChances are if you are reading his, you are stressed out about something.  Maybe lots of things. There has been a lot written about stress and how to avoid it.

Honestly, I dream of the day when I am not stressed out about something.  I am not sure that day will ever come, but if it does, I know that I will have to deal with a little more stress before it does.

Is going through stress the only way to eliminate stress?  Sometimes I wonder!  I know there are people that are out there as they say “carefree and fancy free.”  I am not sure I know what that means and that’s probably because I don’t fall into that category.

OK, maybe I should write something productive instead of stating the obvious.  Here goes.  There are many different kinds of stress that we all deal with.  I think the short term solution is to manage stress.  You can’t make it all go away today and you definitely can’t control all the variables that lead up to it.  Here are some of the types of stress that I have first-hand knowledge of:


There are many different reasons we suffer from physical stress.  Your job may require you to exert a tremendous amount of energy or you may simply be on a rigorous workout program.  Both can create physical stress but both for good reasons.  On the other hand, maybe you are suffering from physical stress due to lack of exercise or poor eating habits and find even the most basic activities challenging.


Have you ever heard someone say that their brain hurts?  I have used the phrase to describe how I feel after a full day in front of the computer. My brain doesn’t really hurt, but I feel like it should after how much I just used it.  Let’s face it, when we are up against a challenge that requires extreme focus, it is going to create mental stress.


This is probably the big one.  Our emotions are probably the most difficult thing for us to manage.  Even the slightest of things can set us off.  Often times, these are minor things that trigger something bigger and then the blow up.  It all comes down to whatever thing is stressing us out turning us into a ticking time bomb.

I have not really stated anything above that you didn’t already know, so what’s the point.  The point is that all of these types of stress can be reduced if we choose to. Huh?  I said choose to.

Yesterday I made bad choices.  My list that I wanted done by mid-afternoon didn’t even start until mid-afternoon.  My wife asked me to make her a Blueberry-smoothie and as I proudly prepared to pour the masterpiece into a cup for her, the bottom fell out and I ended up with an 18″ wide frozen blueberry pancake spread across the counter (I should have taken a picture of that, but I was too frustrated to even think of the photo-op.)  Most everything else went wrong yesterday and my stress level and attitude reflected it.

What happened yesterday?  I let things get to me.  That’s usually when things go bad. How do we avoid letting things get to us?  That’s the million dollar question and a topic for another day.  But this I know … when we let circumstances control our actions our actions will result in our circumstances.

Here’s a thought … Next time things are getting to you (and they will) – consider this question, “what would be the best possible outcome right now?”  I would suggest that merely asking the question will reduce your level of stress!  And you might just get a really good answer.

Have a great day!  It’s the only one you have until tomorrow!


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Barry Smith 4/14/13 photo by author