DSC07005I used to believe that security came in an envelope every Friday.  That envelope allowed me to pay the bills, put food on the table and even do some fun stuff every once and a while that would clearly fall under the want list and not the need list.

I don’t believe that anymore.  Anyone who has paid any attention to anything over the last five years has seen people lose everything they had.  Tough economy, poor investing, over-leveraging credit, fill in the blank.  The bottom line is that people all around us, possible even you, have lost their assets and some would say their security.

The environment that we live in has taught us that the “accumulation of wealth” is the way to secure your future and the future of your children.  Now I’m not going to pretend that wise investing and money in the bank are not good things but the problem comes when we believe that is what provides our security.

Life happens and we all know that what we have can disappear overnight.  So where do we really find security?  I believe we find it within.  True security comes from knowing that outward circumstances will not control the world you live in.

I was meeting with a potential client earlier this week and I told him that short of something connected to the health and safety of my family, I believe there is really nothing that could happen that would significantly rattle my world.  I stand by that statement.

My wife and I have been extremely blessed to have always been able to meet our needs.  We have what we feel is a nice house in the country, our vehicles are paid for and we are able to pay the bills.  But I recognize that as life goes sometimes, even those things could be gone tomorrow.

But the thing is, I don’t think it would that catastrophic if that happened.  We both are very secure in who we are and are very unattached to what we have.  Our security lies in who we are.

I admit, I have not always felt this way and I have no problem with those that value financial security.  I guess what it comes down to is what is important to you.  Sure I want to be debt free and financially independent but that’s not what makes me feel secure.

One of my favorite quoted from John Maxwell is “People won’t remember what you said and they won’t remember what you did.  They will remember how you made them feel.”  That’s where my security comes from.  How I can make people feel.  As long as I can do that and my family is safe and healthy, that’s all the security I need.

Look, you could be the richest person on earth but if your security is in the wealth, your missing out on what life is all about.  I realize this is all my opinion, but I have been on both sides of this issue and being happy with who I am always wins out over being happy with what I have.

So the question is obvious; Where do you find your security?

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Barry Smith    6/28/13   photo by author   © Building What Matters 2013