SONY DSCThere has been much written over the last week related to the tragedy during the Boston Marathon and now we grieve over the explosion in Texas that has claimed many more lives.

I was not directly impacted by either of these events, and I will not begin to suggest I know what the victims are going through, but these events both remind me of how little control we have over the time we get here on earth.

Everyone deserves a chance to live out what they are passionate about. I don’t know much about the one’s that were taken from us this week. Only the stories shared through the media have given me a glimpse into what made up their lives.

This I do know however, everyone on this planet is passionate about something and the days we are blessed to be here should be spent living out that passion.

There is no passion to be found playing small – in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.   –  Nelson Mandela

We don’t know when that day will come and I think so many of us play way to small. We play like the game will go on as long as we like.  We play like we can make a comeback in the 4th quarter or get the hit we need to win in the 9th inning.

I recently listened to ESPN analyst and National Champion Coach Lou Holtz talk about winning.  I will be honest, I have never been a big Lou Holtz fan.  Nothing really bad to say, I just prefer some over others, but as I listened to him speak for about an hour, his passion for what he believed in really impressed me.

His ideas about winning were not about the final score.  They were about how you play the game.  Now I know that is a little cliche, but the passion he described was about the journey and not the destination.  His idea of a win was about “What’s Important Now.”

Holtz went on to describe his three laws for life:

  1. Do what’s right
  2. Do everything to the best of your ability with the time allotted.
  3. Show people you care.

I don’t think you can do these things without passion.  He also talked about dreams. For me, dreams, passion and purpose are so closely related that sometimes it is hard for me to think any of them can exist without the other two.  Holtz suggested that dreams are related to the following:

  • Something to do
  • Someone to love
  • Someone to believe in
  • Something to hope for

Again, how do we accomplish living the dream without being passionate about living it? Being passionate about something is thinking big.  I think I spent too much of my life playing small.  In fact, I think there were times when I didn’t even know what game I was playing.

But now I know what I am passionate about, I know my purpose and most importantly, I am living out my dream.  Now I’m playing big and as long as I am here on this earth and am able, I will continue to fulfill my purpose of building what matters – people!

Holtz caught my attention right away with this question that I leave you with to consider.  Wherever you are and whatever you do, “if you didn’t show up tomorrow, who would miss you and why?”


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Barry Smith 4/19/13 photo by author