We all make mistakes but the way we deal with them is what sets us apart.  I will be the first one to admit that I make mistakes all the time and unfortunately, don’t always handle them in a constructive way.  What I have learned is that mistakes are essential to progress and change.

So we have a choice – we can make mistakes the normal way where we get frustrated and simply move on or we can make them the smart way and learn from them.  We can use them as a tool to learn how NOT to do something.

Part of my job description for the last 20 years has been an estimator in civil construction.  It has been my job to estimate the quantity of the work to be done and the cost to do the work.  It goes without saying that many times I have missed the mark.  The key is to use this historical data to eliminate making the same mistakes again.

“In order for you to profit from your mistakes, you have to get out and make some.”  –  Anonymous

Here are six ways to positively deal with the mistakes we make:


The first step in productively processing a mistake is to admit it.  One of the wisest men I have ever know once told me “if you’re not messing up once in a while, you’re not doing anything.”  We all make mistakes.  The person who can admit it is the one who will most likely not repeat the same thing again.


Along with admitting the mistake, comes taking responsibility for it.  We have all said “Yes, I made a mistake but….”  Get rid of the but and simply acknowledge that you are responsible for your own actions and the mistake that was made was on you.  We will gain trust and respect when we own our actions.


If you have a negative attitude after making a mistake, you will be much less likely to learn from it.  Recognizing that mistakes are made daily and that we have the opportunity to learn from them is imperative in processing them productively.


In many cases, we have the opportunity to fix our mistakes or make amends for what we did wrong.  The sooner we address the issue the sooner we can move on.  This also represents to others that it’s acceptable to make mistakes as long as we address them positively.  This is a perfect example of leading by example and positively role modeling for others.


The ultimate goal of dealing with our mistakes is to learn from them and not repeat the same action or behavior over and over.  Most likely we will make mistakes more than once, not because we didn’t learn the first time, but because we lose focus on what we are doing.  If we process through the “why” it happened, we have a much better chance of avoiding a repeat in the future.


The best way to eliminate making mistakes is to avoid putting ourselves in a situation that will increase the probability of making one.  There was a plaque on the wall in my high school wood shop that said “Think Twice, Cut Once.”  I think this concept can apply to most of the decisions we face every day.

Most of the mistakes we make are not a big deal and easy to fix.  Other times they can result in catastrophic results.  Addressing a small mistake today can prevent a much larger one tomorrow.  You WILL make a mistake today.  Be the exception to the rule and lead by example.  Learn from your mistakes and create a safer, more productive workplace.


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Barry Smith   www.buildingwhatmatters.com   9/14/12            photo by Khara Hillis