SONY DSCWell it is Christmas Eve and all through the house … everyone is stirring because it’s Christmas Eve. That’s not exactly how it goes, but that’s how it feels.

This is a very busy time of the year. Most of us have either traveled to be with family or family has traveled to be with us.  Reflecting on this last year, I realized how many of the people that I have connected with, I have never met in person.

In this computer age that we live in, we have both the blessing and curse to build relationships virtually. Because of my affiliation with the John Maxwell Team, I have become friends with people all over the world.  Many of these I have met, but only for a few days at a time and seldom with their families.

I value all these relationships, but there is one thing missing that leaves a gap in what I believe the traditional relationship has been over time.  I have become close to many of my Maxwell Teammates, but I know little about many of their families beyond what they have shared and likewise they know little about my family.

This condition is similar to many of you following this blog.  I want to dedicate today’s post to my family.  I always feel like I know someone better when I know their family.  It just seems to paint a better picture of who we are.

So here we are.  Yes, that’s me in the middle.  For sake of being fully transparent, I’m not as tall as I look.  You guys know what I do.

On my right is my beautiful wife of over 25 years, Michelle.  Michelle is a real estate broker with RE/MAX and defines what customer service is all about.  I continue to be proud of her for holding high standards in character and integrity in an industry that has many opportunities to do otherwise.

On Michelle’s right is our oldest son Scott.  Scott will be graduating from the University of Hawaii in May with a Business Management degree in the honors program.

On my left is our youngest son Spencer.  Spencer is a sophomore at Boise State University studying Electrical Engineering with a strong interest in computers.

On Spencer’s left is his girlfriend of over four years Paige.  Paige is also attending Boise State University.  We all love Paige and she is as much a part of our family as the boys.

Michelle and I are very proud of all three of them for their continued commitment to their education.

There you have it.  Now you have met my family.  We would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

May 2013 bring you more blessings than you ever thought possible and may this Holiday Season with your family and friends be filled with Joy and Peace!


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Barry Smith   12/24/12            photo by Sarah Long