SONY DSCI recently attended a Government Affairs Luncheon and the topic was centered around special programs available to High School students focused on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math.

I have to admit, these were some of my favorite subjects when I was in High School but listening to the presenters gave me a much better understanding of how much things have changed in thirty years.  It’s a whole new world now!

Considering how technology has changed, it’s no wonder that the simple seems so complex anymore.  Yes things are faster and more efficient but the set up time and knowledge required to operate some of today’s equipment requires an entirely different type of learning.

I listened intently as a handful of local School Superintendents described some of the programs available and the thought occurred to me that the simple idea of “technology” may be very intimidating to many of us today.

I know several adults, myself included, who depend on their kids to “fix” their phones and computers.  Why have so many educated adults developed these limiting beliefs regarding technology?  I think for many of us, we have decided that if someone else can do it for us, why should we spend the time to figure it out.

We have placed a limit on what we need to learn and do.  I think a big part of this is due to lack of leadership at almost every level.  I know way too many people that have resigned from life.  They have decided that they have become all they can be.  Even if they desire more in life, they simply don’t have the ambition or drive to go anywhere.

I believe that good leadership leads to growth and expansion and wipes out these types of limiting beliefs.   Follow me on this …

Leadership Empowers People

Good leaders build self-confidence in others.  They help them to have a positive attitude and desire to be a productive part of society.  Basically they expect more and they get more.  Good leaders know how to build on the strengths of their people and help them to understand they can accomplish much more that thought possible if they are willing to work for it and believe in themselves.

Empowered People Produce

When someone is empowered, they don’t take no for an answer and figure out a way to get things done.  They move from “I can’t” to “I can” to “How can I?”  We typically answer the questions that are asked.  “Can I” maybe answered with a yes but provides no way of accomplishing it.  When the question is changed to “how can I”, the answer will include the way forward.  Empowered people ask “how can I?”

Producers Create Growth and Expansion

The only way to grow and expand is to produce results.  New and innovative ideas come from people motivated to make a difference.  You all know the guy that has had the same job and lived in the same house for thirty years and does nothing but complain because “nothing ever changes.”  My guess is that that guy never had a good leader to follow and never had anyone empower him to do more or be more than what he is.  He has the limiting belief that he is powerless to change anything on his own and is mad because nobody has done it for him.

So what are you going to do?  Keep waiting for someone to come along and make your life better or do something yourself to change your own circumstances.  The only thing keeping you from moving forward is you.  I don’t feel bad saying this because for much of my life I had that limiting belief.  Now I know different.

What do you think …  Are you going to continue to let life happen to you or are you going to happen to it?


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Barry Smith      3/29/13            photo by author