
If you have been following me for a while, you probably know that I transitioned from a 30 year career in Construction to become a coach, speaker, trainer and author focused on Communication, Growth and Leadership.

Part of the reason I chose this change was because I want to create a legacy that will be remembered and I want to make a difference “that makes a difference.”  One way to do that is to be a FRED.

My wife and I recently took a trip to Oahu to visit our oldest son Scott, who will be graduating from the University of Hawaii in December.  On the flight over I read Mark Sanborn’sThe Fred Factor” and on the return flight finished the sequel, “Fred 2.0.”

This is the second of three posts on Fred 2.0.  For those looking to read Fred 2.0, I would suggest reading the original first.  You really need to know the story behind Fred to appreciate what Sanborn delivers in 2.0.

Sanborn gives a pretty good summary of the book with the subtitle, “New Ideas On How To Keep Delivering Extraordinary Results.”

In a nutshell, the original Fred was Sanborn’s postman, and Fred went over and above to be more than just ordinary.  Fred’s commitment to “going the extra mile,” was Sanborn’s inspiration for the first book.

In 2.0, Sanborn takes a deeper look at the four basic Fred principles:

  1. Everybody makes a difference.
  2. It is all built on relationship.
  3. You can add value to everything you do.
  4. You can reinvent yourself continually.

Through these three posts, I will give a key thought from each of the books’ 15 chapters.


Sanborn suggests that our first choice in doing things is typically “the way they’ve always been done.”  He goes on to suggest ten ways we can spark our creativity every day.  My favorite – “If you don’t know, ask.”  Asking curious, challenging and open ended questions, usually results in an answer that has some creative value.


More specifically, “Discovering Your Signature Difference.”  How do we do this?  Sanborn suggests asking these questions:

  1. What is your unique style?
  2. What are your signature strengths?
  3. What are your true passions?
  4. What do you want to be remembered for?


Sanborn provides six steps to building better relationships:

  1. It isn’t enough to build relationships if you don’t maintain them.
  2. It doesn’t have to take much time.
  3. Friendliness is a choice, not a response.
  4. Employees rarely treat customers better than their employer treats them.
  5. Nice isn’t enough if you’re not competent.
  6. Relationships aren’t built in a day.


One great way to make a difference is the make the experience more memorable.  Here are 4 elements to consider when influencing someone:

  1. They are surprised – in a good way.
  2. They are happier after the experience than they were before.
  3. They feel like they’ve received value.
  4. They want to tell others about their experience.

Sanborn provides a great acronym to think about: C.A.R.E.: Create A Rare Experience


Honestly, we all might want to be a FRED, but it takes intentionality to stay a FRED.  Sanborn gives us five ways to remind ourselves to be a FRED.

  1. Stamp it into your memory – literally.
  2. Let Fred become music to your ears.
  3. Learn from the Freds of the past.
  4. Recognize the Freds you encounter each day.
  5. Review regularly.

The basic logic here is that we can all step our game up.  Even if it is just a little bit, we can still make a difference in someone’s life today.

My question for the day; “How can you take the ordinary, make it extraordinary and make a difference “that makes a difference” in someone’s life today?”

Click here to read Part 1 of Fred 2.0


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Barry Smith    5/15/13   photo courtesy of    © Building What Matters 2013