Charles “Tremendous” Jones said “You are the same today that you are going to be in five years from now except for two things: the people with whom you associate and the books you read.”

So a few simple questions … Who are you hanging around and what are you reading?

SONY DSCLet’s be honest – we are a product of our environment. There is really no way around it.  If you feel like there is more to life and you just can’t figure out what it is, it might be due to the fact that there is only so much visible in the environment you are currently in.

Now comes the hard part – you need to change your environment or you need to change your environment.  In other words, you can be an agent of change within the environment you are in or you can find another environment.

In either case, the choice is yours.  I just spent a week on the Island of Oahu and I saw all kinds of environments.  Most of the Island is very conducive to the growth of vegetation.  Lots of sun and lots of water.  The result; lots of greenery.

SONY DSCI also saw parts of the Island that were run down and it appeared that poverty was in full force.  No bad on the state of Hawaii – most communities have representation of all these types of conditions.  It’s just the way things are.  But it was very clear that some were thriving and some were simply surviving.

So like I said, it’s all about our choices.  Are you currently in an environment that provides INSPIRATION and SECURITY?  Do you live in FEAR because of the EXPECTATION that FAILURE is not an option?

Does your work CULTURE allow for BALANCE between your business and personal life? How would you rate employee ENGAGEMENT and MOTIVATION?  Is the concept of TEAMWORK helping to build MORALE?

Is COMPETITION so fierce within the organization that you have to RISK your QUALITY of work in search of SUCCESS and VICTORY?  Are you RESPECTED for THINKING that CHANGE means OPPORTUNITY?

On May 23rd, at 8:00 pm ET, I will be hosting a free call introducing “The 5 Pillars Of Influential Leadership” Coaching Program.

This will be a content filled call that will not only teach you about influential leadership but also about leading an intentional and successful life.  The words in capitals above are topics within Pillar #2 – Environment.

This is the second of five posts related to the 5 Pillars that will go out prior to the call on the 23rd.

For more information and to register for the free call CLICK HERE.

To see the first video on Pillar #1 – AWARENESS click here


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Barry Smith    5/13/13   photo by author   © Building What Matters 2013