SONY DSCIf nothing else, this might be the most creative title for a blog I have ever come up with.  Captain Clarity, now there’s a superhero I could use some help from.

Do any of you suffer from “shiny squirrel syndrome”?  You know, when you see something that catches your attention and the rest of the world no longer exists.

I don’t know why it is that I always have to be the subject of failure in my posts, but if it helps even one person, more power to me!  I try not to hate anything, but the shiny squirrel comes close.  That squirrel has caused me a lot of time, money and energy over the years.  I see something that I think is cool or I have an idea how it might make my life better so I chase down that squirrel until I catch him.

What I have learned is that shiny squirrels only work if they are in alignment with your purpose.  So what is it about the shiny squirrel that causes so much trouble.  Let me tell you what I think.  The squirrel has to eat and this squirrel doesn’t eat nuts.  This squirrel feeds on confusion, on frustration, on depression and mostly on lack of clarity.

I think the reason this squirrel is so prominent in our culture today is because most people lack the clarity they need to make solid decisions.  There are so many choices for everything.  Some of you are old enough to remember when it was either Folgers or Maxwell House.  For those of you who don’t recognize those names, those were the two choices for coffee 30 years ago.  Now how many do we have!

Within the last few years I have been on a journey that has brought me absolute clarity on what I want to do with my life.  And that clarity keeps me on a clear path to living out my purpose.  Now to be honest, I admit I still see those squirrels, but now I just slow down to look for just a quick moment rather than stopping and figuring out how I can fit him in the car.

Alright, I have clearly attempted (I said attempted) to add humor to what I believe is a very serious subject.  I don’t think you can live a meaningful, fulfilling life without living out your purpose and I don’t think you can live out your purpose without clarity.

Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating.  –  Karl Von Clausewitz

I think Clausewitz’ quote is genius.  We find uncertainty fascinating.  Why?  Because it is different and our emotional brain, fascinated by “what if” thinks of all kinds of ways that this uncertainty will result in success.  The truth is, if we had the clarity we need, we would have the certainty that would lead to success and we wouldn’t have to guess, hope and play what if.

The point to all this, you don’t need that shiny squirrel to succeed or improve your life. You need the clarity of what it is that truly makes you happy.  Get clear on that, and the squirrels aren’t so shiny anymore.

Take some time today to sit quietly, dream a little and identify what it is that truly makes you happy and more importantly why.  There will always be another squirrel just around the next corner.  Having clarity will allow you to live out your dream and the squirrel, well he can just bury his acorn in peace.


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Barry Smith 4/20/13 photo by author