I heard a quote yesterday that made me stop and think about a lot of things.  Ont thing is that we can’t control the environment that we are in.  We can choose where to go but once we get there, it pretty much is what it is.  The other is that once we get there, we have to decide what to do.

The trip never really ends on the journey of life.  When it does end, we go six feet under.  The real destination is somewhere we never really get.  Even when we think we have reached our destination, there is still tomorrow.  Is that it?  We’re there?  Done and no more?  I don’t think so.

So if there is no final destination here on earth, than I guess it makes sense to make the most out of the journey.  Oh, I almost forgot about the quote.

“Don’t wait for the storm to pass, learn to dance in the rain.”

Wow, think about that one.  How often do we wait for the storm to pass before we start to do something?  Worse yet, once the storm has passed, we have already moved onto something else and will never even have the chance to dance in the rain.

Here are four reasons the next time you have the chance to dance in the rain, you should go for it:


I am going to guess that we have all seen someone literally dance in the rain.  Maybe in real life, but at the least on television or your computer.  I think back to all those images and if memory serves, most of those people were dancing in the rain for a reason.  Honestly, I don’ t remember the exact cause, but they were doing it to inspire others.  Funny thing, once one or two start, they all jump in.  Inspiration is kinda funny that way.


Need some clarity?  Go do something that has absolutely nothing to do with anything.  Dancing in the rain just might qualify.  Many times when we are lacking clarity it is because there is simply too much other stuff in the way.  Go do something that requires no real thinking, just a little effort and ability to let go, even if for just a few minutes.  The results just might just surprise you.


Sometimes we are afraid to “dance in the rain.”  Yes I say this metaphorically.  What is it that is your storm that you are afraid to dance in.  Sometime’s to achieve “that something more”, we need to have the courage to dance in the rain.  If you have to, do it afraid.  Or, if where you are is alright, no further action needed – no worries – have a seat and just wait for the storm to pass.  You can get back to your perfect life as soon as the skies clear up.


When you or someone else finds that extra something needed to dance in the rain, you can’t help but feel empowered.  Why shouldn’t you?  You just did something that most people will not even try.  Think about that for a minute.  You just did something that most people won’t even try throughout their entire life.  That seems pretty empowering to me.

So what do you think?  Are you looking forward to the next time it rains?  I am.  I have spent too much of my life waiting for the storm to pass.  Guess what, there is always another storm coming.  It’s about time we start dancing in the rain because life isn’t about the challenge, it’s about how we deal with it.

Are you ready to dance in the rain?


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Barry Smith   www.buildingwhatmatters.com   10/19/12            photo by author