one wordWell here we are, the last day of the year.  Does everyone have all their plans and goals identified for 2013?  Do you know what you are going to change and how you are going to do it?  I do and I am very clear on it for a few reasons.

One of the reasons I feel confident about 2013 is because Jon Gordon co-authored a book called One Word That Will Change Your Life.  Now you might think that they give you the word in the book.  Not so.  You get to pick the word. Honestly, I am surprised nobody has written a book about this before.

Gordon, along with Dan Britton and Jimmy Page give us the three step process to the “one word” transformation:


Simply put, unplug from the rest of the world long enough to really think about what’s important.  This may take less than an hour if you already know what your purpose in life is. The key is to take a look at what your objectives are and find a word that is in alignment with that purpose.


Most of us believe in a greater power, something we draw strength from.  I am not here to push my beliefs on anyone, but I do believe that we cannot succeed in life on our own.  For myself, I believe that God created us all to be unique and that we all have a designed purpose in life.  The problem is that many of us never actually live out that purpose.  Some don’t even identify it.  Whatever your beliefs are, look beyond yourself in finding your word.


I believe that if you do steps one and two successfully, you will find yourself challenged to step outside your comfort zone, stretch and become more of you you were meant to be.  No doubt, there will challenges and setbacks but stay the course.  The whole idea of “one word” is to facilitate change and growth.  Post your word where you can see it all day long.  Let other people know what your word is so they can hold you accountable.

OK, I know you have been waiting in great anticipation for my word, so here it is:


Why did I choose commitment?  Because I am making major changes in almost every aspect of my life in 2013 and if I don’t stay committed, I will struggle to meet my objectives.  Here are a few things I am committing to:

  • HEALTH – I will lose twenty-five pounds and eat a more balanced diet.
  • FAMILY – I will spend more quality time with my wife, and my kids when they are home from school.
  • WORK – I will continue to build my business as a coach, trainer, speaker and author.
  • ENVIRONMENT – I will work to create an environment that will be conducive to growth on both a personal and professional level.
  • LEARNING – I will continue to read no less than one hour a day and will focus on materials that are in alignment with my purpose.
  • FAITH – I will read from a devotional daily and focus on things that will help me to be who God designed me to be.
  • PEOPLE – I will spend more time with like-minded people that will help push or pull me towards my objectives.
  • GIVING – I will continue to give back to my friends, family and community and add value to them in the things I do.

I realize that these are all fairly general.  I have a much more detailed plan for all of these but will spare you the specifics.  I welcome an occasional “check in” from any of you on how I am doing during the upcoming year.

I wish the best to all of you as we celebrate the end of 2012 and welcome 2013.  That being said, if you want 2013 to be a better year, I suggest you invest in yourself and raise the bar.

Now for the big question … WHAT IS YOUR “ONE WORD” FOR 2013?



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Barry Smith   12/31/12            photo courtesy of Amazon