Barry Smith Book Cover 2When I finished my last post, I told you that I was going to jump right to the next thing on my to-do list which was the final chapter in my book.  Well, I did it.

Four sections, seventeen chapters, and almost 40,000 words.  The thought of writing a book never would have even entered my mind three years ago. And now I have done it.  I typed the last word, hit save and just looked at the screen.  What now?

Since I started blogging almost two years ago, I have looked at many more of my experiences as not just something that happened, but something to write about.  If you think about it, there is really something to be learned in almost everything that happens to us.

I spent a good part of today reflecting on my journey through this book project.  There are many different challenges I faced.  I went back and forth on the things that many authors probably do. Things like what chapter to put where and what quotes to insert for emphasis and character.  You know, author stuff.

But as I put word count and punctuation to rest for a while, I discovered that there are much bigger lessons that I learned.

It’s not over until it’s over, and it will never be over.

I felt a multitude of emotions as I looked at the screen, which for the first time in weeks, did not have a word document icon appearing in the task bar.  I felt excited that it was done.  I felt anxious because there is still quite a bit to do before it actually hits a bookshelf.  Finish the cover art, editing, interior layout and so on.  The words are written, but the project is far from over.

The thought that came next was actually quite inspirational.  This book, due to the isbn number it has been assigned, will be forever.  Well, as long as they keep track of that stuff I guess.  But that will probably be quite a while.

Our decisions and actions don’t only determine our future.

But the thing that struck me is that the content will be able to add value indefinitely. This magnified the fact that lots of things we do will last forever.  The decisions we make and the actions we take all frame what comes next.  Every single thing, even down to the smallest detail, will set a unique trajectory for our future.

Let me give you an example.  Suppose you go to the store and the checkout clerk is clearly having a bad day.  You could return the attitude or you could value the person instead of the action and show them some random act of kindness, thank them and go on your way.

Random acts of kindness really do matter!

Now that experience might be done for you, but you have no idea what a difference it might have made for them.  It might have changed the direction of their entire day, including what happens when they get home with their spouse and kids.

You don’t have to think too hard to realize my new book, Leadership by Invitation, is about leadership.  One of the most popular quotes by my mentor John Maxwell is, “Leadership is Influence, Nothing More and Nothing Less.”  (Tweet This / Post on LinkedIn)

In the book, I make a very clear case that everyone is a leader.  After all, we all influence others in some way or another, don’t we?  My point is this.  The things you do matter.  They all matter.  The thing we overlook all too often is how much they can continue to matter, even after we think we are done.  Your influence matters.  Make it count!

The Question:  How much do you think about the collateral impact of your actions?

The Challenge:  Do something today for someone that won’t matter at all to you after your done, but will make a big difference for them.

Click here to get a copy of my Kindle Book “The Manifesto Of An Influential Leader”

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Barry Smith  2/14/14   image by Kendra Lynn Cagle   © Building What Matters 2014