20,000 DaysThis is the second of three posts discussing the book “20,000 Days And Counting” by Robert D. Smith. Smith has taken a very interesting and compelling look at what his life represented during the first 20,000 days and more importantly, the next 20,000.

If you do the math, you will see that 20,000 days represents more than 54 years on this earth.  Smith takes an aggressive approach to how he will live out his remaining days to the fullest.

As he puts it, “What can you do right now in order to make the most out of the years in front of us? What can we do to accomplish more, to celebrate more, to touch more lives in our remaining years than we have to this point?”

These three posts will summarize Smith’s “Crash Course for Mastering Your Life RIGHT NOW.”

Part one discusses the “20,000 Day Mind-Set.”  Part two deals with “Beating the Clock” and part three makes the simple statement that “Today is Day One.”


In section two, Smith gives several thoughts on how we “beat the clock” and accomplish so much more when we put an intentional effort to it.

Smith suggests there are really only two options we have in any choice; yes or no.  As he puts it, “Constantly saying no – to lunch, to that project, to a vacation, to whatever it may be – diminishes opportunities for discovery and growth.  If you want things to change in your life, you have to be open for change, to new possibilities.  To say yes.”

He really left a mark on me when he suggested that when we say yes, we expand our territory and that of others.  Realizing that my yes can change the lives of others has become a great motivator for me.

Smith then throws out a very interesting concept.  He says “become your own problem.” His thought is that when we do that we “take the outside circumstances and bring them inside.  Suddenly you have power.”

The idea is that it puts the ball in your court and forces you to act on it.  I love this.  I know when I am backed into a corner and have no other option to do something, I respond.  Making “you the problem” forces you to respond and if you have your A-game on, you will respond productively.

Smith wraps up the section with this question: “Are you spending life merely reacting to events as they happen, or are you moving forward each day with clear objectives?

I spent way to much of my life reacting, letting life happen to me.  Now with the clear objective of “building what matters – people” I have become much more intentional and am happening to life.

Smith poses another great question that I leave you with today.

“If you were transported one year into the future, looking back, how would you advise yourself right now?”  Got your answer yet?

Next Wednesday, in Part 3, we will take a look at “Today Is Day One.”


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Barry Smith www.buildingwhatmatters.com 4/24/13 photo courtesy of Amazon