The Trust Edge

This is the second of four posts discussing David Horsager’s book “The Trust Edge.”  How Top Leaders Gain Faster Results, Deeper Relationships, and a stronger Bottom Line.

The basic premise of the book is that when we build trust, we gain a competitive advantage in the world we live in.  I believe that this applies to both our personal and professional lives.  Simply put, when we build trust, we build relationships.  And as we all know, people want to spend time with, associate with and do business with people they trust.

The heart of the book focuses on Horsager’s Eight Pillars of Trust – Clarity, Compassion, Character, Competency, Commitment, Connection, Contribution and Consistency.

This post will address the first four.


Horsager describes Three Key Areas of Clarity:

1.  Vision and Purpose – If you want people to trust you, they need to understand your purpose and your vision.  If they don’t understand where you are headed, how will they know if you get there?

2.  Expectations and Communications – How are you communicating your intentions?  Have your expectations been made clear?  These are both critical if you are going to get the buy-in and engagement you need to be trusted.

3.  Daily Tasks – Do the things that you do every day align with your mission statement?  This one is pretty straight forward.  Do your actions match your thoughts?  When they do, you increase trust.


Horsager describes The Four Laws of Compassion

1.  Listen – Do you ever find yourself answering a question before the other person has even finished asking it?  I have.  The importance of actually listening is huge.  Let the other person finish their thought and you will validate them and build trust.

2.  Appreciate – I love the question Horager suggests … “How many of you feel overappreciated?”  People want to be appreciated.  This validates them and builds trust.

3.  Wake Up – We are so concerned about the future that we forget about the present.  Wake Up and get the most out of NOW that you can.  Today only happens once.

4.  Serve Others – When we help others and develop a reputation of being unselfish, others will trust that we are looking out for them and are concerned about what’s important to them.


Horsager describes the Two Sides of Character

1.  Integrity – Horsager asserts that “Integrity is being consistent in thoughts, words and actions.  Being consistent builds trust.

2.  High Morals – Consistently doing “the right” thing is a great way to build trust.  Regardless of the issue, people will know that you will make a good decision.


Horsager describes Three Ways to Gain Competency

1.  Join a Mastermind Group – I believe this is one of the best ways to build competency.  A mentor of mine puts it this way “Hang out with people that believe what you do but think different thoughts.”

2.  Read – Every leader is a reader.  Continually exposing your mind to new information will build competency.  People trust those with knowledge.

3.  Get a Mentor – There will always be someone who knows more than you about any given subject.  Many are willing to share their insights and experiences with you and help you along the way.

The Trust Edge provides a blueprint not only for building trust but living a meaningful life.  Trust impacts every part of our life.  Part 3 will cover the second half of the Eight Pillars of Trust.

Rate yourself on how well you are doing the things described above.  This may give you some insight on your Trust Edge.

See Part 1 of The Trust Edge by clicking here.

Find out more about David Horsager and The Trust Edge at: or


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