Law #3 – The Law of Process

Do you ever get frustrated because it takes so long to get the results you are looking for or to achieve the goals you have set?  Why does it usually take so long to achieve anything worthwhile?  It is because of the process required to develop something that has real value and significance.

My wife and I spent eight years remodeling the inside of our house.  We did most of the work ourselves and paid for it as we progressed.  Once we finished the inside we moved on to the front yard which is still an on-going project after two years.  My wife has commented several time recently that she “loves our house.”  Trust me … this is not because of what it looked like when we bought it, in fact if memory serves, I think she cried when we moved in because it was so bad.  So what happened?  For over ten years we have gone through the process to create something great.

Leadership is no different.  It takes hard work, dedication and years of experience and education to become a great leader.  Although there are countless excellent books on various topics related to leadership, the process of being a leader can only be learned in the trenches.  The most valuable learning comes from making mistakes.  When you suffer the results of making poor decisions or failing as a leader, the events or circumstances have a way of staying with you and help to form the leader you desire to be.  You can not succeed without failure.  Success comes when we overcome obstacles and conquer our fears.

This process does not happen by itself.  A leader who wants to improve his skills and abilities must be very intentional with what he does to progressively improve and make the most from the information he learns from his experiences – good and bad.

John Maxwell says that “Leadership is learned daily, not in a day.”  If you really desire lasting improvement then you need to have a process in place.  I encourage you to review your goals as a leader and put together a plan for your personal growth in the areas that will specifically, and intentionally, provide the experience and education needed to reach those goals.

Next Up:  Law #4 – The Law of Navigation

Barry Smith  5/29/12