How many times have you heard the phrase “he (or she) has great upside potential” used when someone is speaking of future success of an individual?  I am sure we all understand the concept of potential, but when we hear conversations about potential, why do we rarely hear about what that person needs to do to reach that potential?  I would suggest that it is because by making a statement to a persons potential we are somehow putting ourselves on the line as being responsible for the outcome.  Most of the time, we don’t even know the person being talked about.

It is easy to make comments about somebody else related to their potential when we don’t know them or will have nothing to do with the process of them reaching their potential.

But what about the people that we spend time with everyday?

Simply because they are not the next great athlete or the next person to be in the headlines because of some success does not mean that they do not have the potential to be more than they currently are.  So here is the question … what are you doing to help those around you reach their potential?

Tony Dungy in The Mentor Leader, gives us his seven E’s of enhancing potential.

ENGAGE – The first thing we need to do to help others work towards reaching their potential is to engage with them.  If we are to expect someone to value our thoughts or suggestions, they first must believe that we not only value them as a person but also are willing to invest ourselves in their journey to reaching that potential.  If you don’t engage, you will never be able to effectively lead them or have a positive effect in their lives.

EDUCATE – The only way to improve upon where we are is by learning new things.  This is especially true if a new skill is required.  Use the skill set that you have to add value to those around you.  Don’t be afraid to learn more yourself through the process.

EQUIP – One thing that is required in any new venture is the be prepared for change.  As a mentor, we need to equip those around us to be able to deal positively with change.  We need to equip them with the tools needed to not only retain the new information but also to deal with failure and adversity that will be part of the process.

ENCOURAGE – No path to reaching our potential will be without failure and frustration.  Be willing to encourage others during both success and failure.  It is critical for everyone to understand that failure is part of success and that we need to learn from our failures and not let them be a source of discouragement.

EMPOWER – The ultimate success of any venture will both require and strengthen a person’s self-confidence.  As mentors, we need to empower those around us to not only believe in the cause but also themselves.  Build on each success as an example of what is possible through hard work and focus.

ENERGIZE – Any development process will be filled with highs and lows.  Inspire the person you are mentoring by sharing their success with others.  During the low times, build on what is possible and provide energy by sharing something you have experienced that required energy to accomplish or overcome.

ELEVATE – Take advantage of any available opportunity to elevate someone.  This may be the most important aspect of continued success.  It sis something to build on and something to create momentum.

It doesn’t matter who it is that you are thinking of, we can all do more in reaching our potential and we can all use help in doing it.  Take the opportunity today to help someone around you to reach their potential.  This may, in itself, help you to reach yours.

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Barry Smith   7/8/12