Have you given much thought to the impact you have on others when you inspire them.  We all not only like, but need to be inspired.  The problem is that typically our focus tends to be centered around our own needs.  We have a huge opportunity to make a difference in other people’s lives and yet every day we pass up multiple chances to add value to the people around us.

I remember “back in the day” when I played summer league softball.  I batted third and my good friend George batted cleanup (4th for those of you who do not share my passion for the sports played with a bat and ball.)  I don’t remember exactly how it started but when I was headed to the plate George would say “get on and I’ll bring you around”.  I would then respond with “Inspire me.”

We repeated this season after season and since that time, twenty plus years ago, George and I have remained close friends.  Unfortunately, schedules have eliminated our ability to remain teammates on the ball field.  We have however, remained close and play for a new team, The John Maxwell Team.  Together we are inspiring individuals to improve their leadership and communication skills and yes, every once and a while I will hear George say “get on and I’ll bring you around” and I will respond with “inspire me.”

I never realized the impact of those words until recently when I started to put a real effort into inspiring others.  It has been amazing and fulfilling to see what a few words of encouragement can do in the lives of the people I know.  I have found that all of us need to be inspired every once and a while and typically the things we are struggling with are things that we keep inside.  For fear of looking weak and vulnerable we don’t show on the outside, the issues on the inside that are holding us back from reaching our potential.

Here a few things to think about regarding inspriration:

WHAT DO YOU NEED TO BE INSPIRED ABOUT? – We all strive to be successful and even though we all define “success” in a different way, we need periodic encouragement to stay motivated.  My advice, be open with someone close to you about your goals and dreams and give them the opportunity to inspire you.

WHO CAN YOU INSPIRE? – You don’t have to look far to find someone who could use some inspiration.  In fact, the next person you see is probably a good candidate.  Take the time to ask other people what their goals and aspirations are.  You have a great opportunity to make a difference in their life.  Don’t miss the opportunity.

WHO CAN INSPIRE YOU? – OK, I get it (especially for us guys) sharing your dreams and goals is not something we are typically comfortable doing.  If you really want to accomplish something, you don’t have to do it alone.  Be willing to talk about the things that matter to you.  I can say from personal experience that there is no better reward than to make a difference and add value in somebody else’s life.

Find someone today that you can encourage and help inspire them to become who they were meant to be.  You won’t be sorry that you invested a little time to make a huge difference.

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Barry Smith   www.buildingwhatmatters.com   7/30/12