iecover-202x300This is the first of four posts discussing “The Impact Equation” by Chris Brogan and Julien Smith.  The subtitle of the book asks a great question, “Are you making things happen or just making noise?  So which is it?  Are you making a difference?  Brogan and Smith describe multiple ways to do just that.

Part 1 will address goals and working with the Impact Equation.  Posts 2,3 and 4 will discuss the acronym CREATE.  Contrast and Articulation in Part 2. Reach and Exposure in Part 3 and Trust and Echo in Part 4.

Brogan and Smith recognize that people are building platforms all across the electronic highway but  most are just making noise.  If you really want people to care about what you have to say,  you need more than just a good idea, trust among your audience and plenty of followers.

Understanding the impact equation will allow us to maximize the impact of what we have to say.  So lets take a look at the Impact Equation.

Brogan and Smith start it off by describing their “why” for the book.

“We want you to think about how to leave an impression on those who matter and help them gather around you.  We want their passion and yours to come together so that you can leave your mark on the world.  In short, we want you to have an impact.”

This got my attention right away.  Over the last few years, I have given the subject of impact quite a bit of thought.  The word I have focused on is legacy, but I think they are similar.  You can’t leave a legacy without impacting those around you.  So it makes sense to do everything you can to share what you know to add value to others.  The best way to do that is make yourself significant.

They go on to say:

“It’s been said that everything has two births: first as an idea and then as a real tangible output of that idea.”

Up until now, most of you have done what you have done and have left a mark of some kind but what about all those ideas or plans that have not been acted upon?  How high of goals have you set?  More importantly, have you achieved them?  If you are telling yourself that you should have done something years ago and didn’t, I have good news for you.  The next best time to start is now!

Will people remember you for what you did or who you are?  John Maxwell says “people won’t remember what you did, they won’t remember what you said, but they will remember how you made them feel.  Will they remember you?

Brogan and Smith give us an actual formula on how to impact the world we live in that we will explore in the next three posts.  Here it is: Impact = C x (R+E+A+T+E).  In the next post, we will look at the “C” and “A” – Contrast and Articulation.


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Barry Smith   3/20/13            photo courtesy of Amazon