What difference does it make if you vote in the upcoming election?  It’s only one vote, right?  Nobody ever wins a major election by one vote so what difference does it make if I vote or not?

If you follow this blog, you know that I don’t like politics and I don’t make political statements.  Well in this post I am going to make a cultural statement.  I suppose your one vote will not be the deciding vote this November but voting goes way beyond electing someone to office.

It seems to me that the voter’s pamphlets just keep getting bigger and my guess is the bigger they get, the less they are read.  Unfortunate but true.  Unfortunate because they are the best source for most people to really understand who and what they are voting for.

Unless you are personally involved in a candidate’s race or on a ballot measure, chances are you are simply picking up bits and pieces from the media or in casual conversation.

I do believe that it is important to vote and here is why:


We live in a country that allows us to vote.  Not everyone in this world has that right.  In many places, laws are simply approved and enforced and officials are appointed to office.  Honor your right to vote by voting.  I have often asked people making comments about an election after it has been completed “did you vote?” and I can’ believe how often the answer is no.  I can respect someone else’s opinion but when they did not even vote, it is difficult for me to listen to it.


Your vote may not be one that make or breaks the count, but we all have the chance to represent how we feel.  It matters because you are part of your district, state or country and in most cases, the people have the final say.  I suppose the law of averages applies and if only half the registered voters vote, I have to make the assumption that the other half would have voted the same way.  Problem is that I don’t like making assumptions.


If you really value your opinion, then you should have no excuse as to not voting.  I don’t mind having a conversation about a candidate or ballot measure and I respect that other people feel different than I do.  But don’t try and change my thoughts on something, selling me that you really believe your opinion is the right one when you are not even willing to cast a vote.


Right, wrong or indifferent, in most cases in this country, the people decide.  For this concept to be real, everyone should be voting.  The whole idea of our society is that if we don’t like something, we have the ability to change it.  I get totally frustrated that many people think it’s alright to criticize a party or candidate but will not even go to the effort to cast a vote.

A good friend of mine is completely on the other side of the fence when it comes to political views and I probably spend more time talking to him about politics than anyone else.  Why, because he at least backs up his opinions with fairly accurate facts and he knows what is going on.  We simply have philosophical differences in our views and generally agree to disagree.

I guess the thing that frustrates me the most about politics is that most people view the facts as right or wrong when in most cases, they are only different.  I will listen to anyone tell me why they believe in a certain person or position, but don’t tell me why I am wrong.  I am not going to tell you why you are wrong, because I don’t think you are. You just don’t believe as I do.

The beauty of this country is that we are allowed to believe differently but coexist. Regardless how you feel about the candidates or the measures on the ballot, vote and be heard.

Voting is our right and it is our responsibility … Uphold your end of the deal and fill out the ballot.


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Barry Smith   www.buildingwhatmatters.com   10/28/12            photo by author