SONY DSCWhat happens when your job description doesn’t match your purpose?  Oh boy, that’s a loaded question.  Based on what I know, most people fall into this category.  What do I know that leads me to this belief?  I know that less that 30% of Americans are actively engaged in their job.

That means that over 70% are just showing up to collect a check.  Some are even actively disengaged in that they are sabotaging their workplace through any number of ways including, but not limited to, gossip, stealing hours and contributing to a negative culture.

I am not suggesting that if you fall into this category you quit your job today.  I am however, suggesting that you take a hard look at the big picture and evaluate whether or not you need to consider a change.  If money is all that matters to you, then by all means, find the job that will pay you the most.

If on the hand, you are more interested in quality of life, leaving a legacy and doing something that you are passionate about, identify your purpose in life and find a job that allows you to live out your purpose.

I don’t believe you can truly be victorious in your life if you are not fulfilling the life design that you were created to live.

“There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.”  –  Nelson Mandela

If you are not living life with passion and your job has something to do with it, I would suggest taking a hard look at what YOU can do to make a change.  Yes, I said you. Why?  Because the first step to finding that “sweet spot” is taking control of your own life.

There are two great days in a person’s life – the day you are born and the day you discover why.”  –  William Barclay

Maybe you haven’t discovered why yet.  I was 45 years old when I discovered my why and I really don’t think you are ever too old.  I spoke with a 79 year old woman a few weeks ago that was searching for her why and she couldn’t wait to start living out the next chapter of her life.

So back to the question – what if your why does not match up with your job description. When you discover your why, determine how you can start today, to live towards reaching your potential and living out the life you were designed to live.

I spent almost two years planning for my “next chapter” and at the end of 2012, made a full time commitment to living out the life that was waiting for me to live.  I am still blessed to do some part time work with the company that hired me 15 years ago to be an estimator and project manager.  The difference is that my job description now is a coach, speaker, trainer and author and I can choose what I do and don’t do that is in alignment with my purpose.

Where to go from here?  I would suggest taking your focus off your job description and onto your life description.  Not only will you find greater purpose, but greater happiness and fulfillment.

If you are reading this, you have already experienced one of the two most important days in your life.  How soon will you experience the second?


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Barry Smith      4/9/13            photo by author